email: qingfang.zhang@ruc.edu.cn
1997,北京大学心理学系,学士。学士学位论文 导师:朱滢教授
2008.4-2009.3,英国bristol大学实验心理学系,research associate,英国皇家学会(the royal society)资助
2007.3-2007.4,英国sussex大学心理系,访问学者,universities’ china committee in london资助
frontiers in psychology, associate editor
当代外语研究第二语言加工专业委员会 常务理事
1. 中国人民大学预研委托(团队基金)人才培育类项目(18xnlg28),汉语句子口语产生中句法和韵律编码认知年老化的脑机制,2018-2020,30万。
2. 国家自然科学面上基金(31471074):汉语口语产生中的认知年老化及其神经机制,2015-2018,82万。
3. 北京市社科基金重点项目(16yya006):汉语口语产生中句法编码和韵律编码的认知神经机制,2016-2018,12万。
4. 中国人民大学新教师启动金项目(14xnlf12):语言产生中语义抑制和语义促进效应的认知和神经机制,2014-2016,28万。
5. 国家自然科学面上基金(31170977):汉语书写产生过程的认知机制及其神经基础,2012-2015,56万。
6. 心理所杰出青年科研基金(09cx232023):汉语口语产生和书写产生的研究,2009.10-2014.9,100万。
7. 荷兰科学院与中科院国际合作局交流项目(11cpd002):,图画命名中的正字法启动效应:语义偏旁对命名的促进作用机制的探索,2011-2013,7万欧元,中方负责人。
8. 国家自然科学面上基金(70870761):音节在汉语词汇产生中的作用机制及其神经基础,2009-2011,32万。
9. 英国皇家学会资助项目(iif-2007/r1):正字法和语音在词汇产生中的作用,2008.4-2009.3,18200英镑(与bristol大学实验心理学系的markus damian共同主持)。
11.国家自然科学青年基金(30400134):汉语词汇产生中的词汇通达过程及其脑机制,2005 -2007,20万
2009 年,中国科学院心理研究所杰出青年
2009 年,中国科学院心理研究所优秀职工
2007 年,international incoming fellowship by the royal society
张清芳 著. 《语言产生:心理语言学的视角》,华东师范大学出版社,2019年8月。
cai, x., yin, y., & zhang, q*. (2021). online control of voice intensity in bilinguals’ l1 and l2 speech production: evidence from unexpected and brief noise masking. journal of speech, language and hearing research. accepted.
wang, c., & zhang, q*. (2021). word frequency modulated lexical access in written production: evidence from erps and neural oscillations. psychophysiology, doi: 10.1111/psyp.13775
cai, x., ouyang, m., yin, y., & zhang, q* (2021). language proficiency moderates the effect of semantic relatedness in l2 spoken word production. brain research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2020.147231
欧阳明昆,张清芳*. (2021). 舌尖效应产生和解决的老化机制:启动范式研究. 心理科学. 已接受.
张清芳*, 钱宗愉,朱雪冰*. (2021). 汉语口语词汇产生中的多重音韵激活:单词翻译任务的erp研究. 心理学报,53(1), 1-14.
yin, y., & zhang, q*. ( 2020). chinese characters are read using not only visual but also writing-related motor information. psychophysiology,e13696, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/psyp.13696
cai, x., yin, y., & zhang, q*. (2020). a cross-language study on feedforward and feedback control of voice loudness in chinese-english bilinguals. applied psycholinguistics, doi:10.1017/s0142716420000223
yin, y., cai, x., ouyang, m., & zhang, q*. (2020). the n200 enhancement effect in chinese reading is modulated by actual writing. neuropsychologia, 142, 107462.
cai, x., ouyang, m., yin, y., & zhang, q* (2020). the effect of time pressure and semantic relatedness in spoken word production: a topographic erp study. behavioral brain research, 387, 112587. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112587
cai, x., yin, y., & zhang, q*. (2020) the roles of syllable and phoneme during phonological encoding in chinese spoken word production: a topographic erp study. neuropsychologia, 142, 107382.
ouyang, m., cai, x., & zhang, q*. (2020). aging effects on phonological and semantic priming in the tip-of-the-tongue: evidence from a two-step approach. frontiers in psychology, 11, 338.
辛昕,兰天一,张清芳*. (2020) 英汉双语者二语口语产生中音韵编码过程的同化与顺应机制. 心理学报,52(12), 1377-1392.
蒋宇宸,蔡笑,张清芳* (2020). θ频段(4-8hz)的活动反映了汉语口语产生中音节信息的加工. 心理学报,52(10), 1199-1211.
吴翰林,于宙,王雪娇,张清芳*. (2020). 语言能力的老化:语言特异性因素与非特异性因素的共同作用. 心理学报,52(5), 541-561.
张宁,张清芳*. (2020). 汉语口语句子产生中句法启动效应的眼动研究,心理科学,43(2), 288-295.
蔡笑,张清芳*. (2020). 言语运动系统中前馈和反馈控制整合加工的作用机制. 心理科学进展,28(4), 588-603.
张清芳*, 王雪娇. (2020). 汉语口语词汇产生的音韵编码单元:内隐启动范式的erp研究. 心理学报,52(4),,414-425.
于宙,张清芳*. (2020). 句法结构和动词重复影响了汉语句子口语产生中的句法启动效应. 心理学报,52(3), 283-293.
ouyang, m., cai, x., & zhang, q*. (2019). the effect of lexical cohort size is independent of semantic context effect in a picture-word interference task: a combined erp and sloreta study. frontiers in human neuroscience, 13, 439. https://doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00439
feng, c., yue, y., & zhang, q*. (2019). syllables are retrieved before segments in the spoken production of mandarin chinese: an erp study. scientific reports. 9, 11773.
zhang, n., & zhang, q*. (2019). rhythmic pattern facilitates speech production: an erp study. scientific reports. 9, 12974,
zhang, q*., & damian, f. (2019). syllables constitute proximate units for mandarin speakers: electrophysiological evidence from a masked priming task. psychophysiology. psychophysiology, e13317.
欧阳明昆,蔡笑,张清芳*. (2019). 认知还是元认知:口语产生中舌尖效应的心理机制. 心理科学进展,27(12), 2052-2063.
杨群,张清芳*.(2019).汉语图画命名过程的年老化机制:非选择性抑制能力的影响. 心理学报, 51(10), 1079-1090.
赵瑞瑛,娄昊,欧阳明昆,张清芳*. (2019). 自然情境下舌尖效应的认知年老化——日记研究. 心理学报, 51(5), 598-611.
娄昊,李丛,张清芳*. (2019.2). .. 心理学报, 51 (2), 143-153.
zhang, q*., zhu, x., & damian, f. (2018). phonological activation of category coordinates in spoken word production: evidence for cascaded processing in english but not in mandarin. applied psycholinguistics, 39(5), 835-860 doi:10.1017/s0142716418000024
兰天一,张清芳*. (2018). 双语者第二语言加工神经机制. 中国社会科学报. 2018年7月31日第1504期.
李丛,张清芳*,兰天一. (2018). 影响动作图画命名的因素及其神经机制. 心理学进展,8(4), 662-669.
zhang, q*., & feng, c. (2017). the interaction between central and peripheral processing in chinese handwritten production: evidence from the effect of lexicality and radical complexity. frontiers in psychology, 8:334. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00334
何洁莹,张清芳*. (2017). 汉语书写产生中词汇频率和音节频率效应的时间进程:erp研究. 心理学报, 49(12), 1483-1493.
黄韧,张清芳*,李丛. (2017). 消极情绪阻碍了老年人的口语产生过程. 心理与行为研究, 15(3), 372-378.
李丛,张清芳*,黄韧. (2017). 词汇获得年龄在动作和物体图画命名中的不同作用. 心理学探新, 37(3), 220-225.
zhu, x., zhang, q*., & damian, m. f. (2016). additivity of semantic and phonological effects: evidence from speech production in mandarin. quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 69(11), 2285-2304.
zhang, q*., & wang, c. (2016). the temporal courses of phonological and orthographic encoding in handwritten production in chinese: an erp study. frontiers in human neuroscience, 10, 417. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00417
zhang, q*., & zhu, x. (2016). it is not necessary to retrieve the phonological nodes of context objects for chinese speakers. frontiers in psychology, 7, 1161. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01161
qu, q*., zhang, q., & damian, m. f. (2016). tracking the time course of lexical access in orthographic production: an event-related potential study of word frequency effects in written picture naming. brain and language, 159, 118-126.
zhang, q*., feng, c., zhu, x., & wang, c. (2016). transforming semantic interference into facilitation in a picture-word interference task. applied psycholinguistics, 37(5), 1025-1049.
蒋存梅*,张清芳*.(2016). 语言与音乐的起源. 科学通报, 61(7), 682-690.
zhu, x., damian, f., & zhang, q*. (2015). seriality of semantic and phonological processes during overt speech in mandarin as revealed by event-related brain potentials. brain and language, 144, 16-25
wang, c. & zhang, q*. (2015). phonological codes constrain output of orthographic codes via sublexical and lexical routes in chinese written production. plos one, 10(4), e0124470.
zhang, q*., & wang, c. (2015). phonology is not accessed earlier than orthography in chinese written production: evidence for the orthography autonomy hypothesis. frontiers in psychology, 6, 448. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00448
杨群,张清芳*. (2015). 口语产生中的认知年老化及其神经机制. 心理科学进展, 23(12), 2072-2084.
杨群,张清芳*. (2015).口语产生中词频效应、音节频率效应和语音促进效应的认知年老化. 心理科学, 38(6), 1303-1310.
岳源,张清芳*.(2015). 汉语口语词汇产生中音节和音段的促进和抑制效应. 心理学报,47, 319-328.
zhang, q*., & wang, c. (2014). syllable frequency and word frequency effects in spoken and written word production in a non-alphabetic script. frontiers in psychology, 5, 120. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00120 2014
zhang, q*. (2014). neurolinguistic study of spoken word production in chinese. to appear in: encycolopedia of chinese language and linguisitics. ed. wolfgang behr, gu yueguo, zev handel, c.-t. james huang, & rint sybesma. leiden: brill.
verdonschot, r. g., nakayama, m., zhang, q., tamaoka, k., & schiller, n. o. (2013). the proximate unit of chinese-english bilinguals: proficiency matters. plos one, 8(4):e61454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061454.
you, w., zhang, q*., verdonschot, r. g. (2012) masked syllable priming effects in word and picture naming in chinese. plos one, 7(10): e46595. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046595.
zhang, q*., & damian, m. (2012). effects of orthography on speech production in chinese. journal of psycholinguistic research, 41(4), 267-283.
zhang, q*., & zhu, x. (2011). the temporal and spatial features of segmental and suprasegmental encoding during implicit picture naming: an event-related potential study. neuropsychologia. 49, 4813-4825.
verdonschot, r.g*., la heij, w., paolieri, d., zhang, q., & schiller, n. o. (2011). homophonic context effects when naming japanese kanji: evidence for processing costs? quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 64, 1836-1849.
qu, q*., damian, m., zhang, q., & zhu, x.(2011). phonology contributes to writing: evidence from written word production in a non-alphabetic script. psychological science, 22, 1107-1112. doi:10.1177/0956797611417001.
zhang, q., & damian, m. f*.(2010). impact of phonology on the generation of handwritten response: evidence from picture-word interference tasks. memory and cognition, 38, 519-528.
zhang, q*., & damian, m. f.(2009). the time course of segment and tone encoding in chinese spoken production: an event-related potential study. neuroscience, 163, 252-265.
zhang, q*., & damian, m. f. (2009). the time course of semantic and orthographic encoding in chinese word production: an event-related potential study. brain research, 1273, 92-105.
zhang, q., & weekes, b. s*. (2009). orthographic facilitation effects on spoken word production: evidence from chinese. language and cognitive processes, 24(7/8), 1082-1096.
zhang, q*., chen, h.-c*, weekes, b., & yang, y. (2009). independent effects of orthographic and phonological facilitation on spoken word production in mandarin. language and speech, 52, 113-126.
zhang, q*., & yang, y. (2007). electrophysiological estimates of the time course of semantic and metrical encoding in chinese speech production. neuroscience, 147, 986-995.
zhang, q*., damian, m. f., & yang, y. (2007). electrophysiological estimates of the time course of tonal and orthographic encoding in chinese speech production. brain research, 1184, 234-244.
zhang, q*., weekes, b. s., & yang, y. (2007). electrophysiological estimates of the time course of orthographic and metrical encoding in chinese speech production. brain and language, 103, 124-125.
weekes, b. s., klingebiel, k., su, i-f., zhang, q., zhang, x., & yin, w. (2007). acquired dyslexia in mongolian. brain and language, 103, 109-110.
王成,尤文平,张清芳*.(2012).书写产生过程的认知机制. 心理科学进展,20(10), 1560-1572.
朱雪冰,张清芳*.(2011).图画口语命名中的语义效应. 心理科学进展, 19(9),1281-1292.
张清芳*. (2008).汉语单音节和双音节词汇产生中的音韵编码过程:内隐启动范式研究. 心理学报, 40(3), 253-262.
张清芳*. (2007). 句法加工的事件相关电位研究. 人类工效学, 13, 53-56
王琳, 张清芳, 杨玉芳. (2007). eeg相干分析在语言理解研究中的应用. 心理科学进展, 15, 865-871.
张清芳*, 杨玉芳. (2006). 汉语词汇产生中词汇选择和音韵编码之间的交互作用. 心理学报, 38(4), 480-488.
张清芳*. (2006). 汉语单音节词汇产生中的激活反馈. 心理科学, 29(6), 1382-1387. 2005
张清芳*, 杨玉芳. (2005). 汉语单音节词汇产生中音韵编码的单元. 心理科学, 28(2), 374-378.
张清芳*. (2005). 音节在语言产生中的作用. 心理科学进展, 13(6), 752-759.
张清芳, 杨玉芳*. (2004). 汉语词汇产生中语义、字形和语音激活的时间进程. 心理学报, 36(1), 1-8.
张清芳, 杨玉芳*. (2003). 影响图画命名时间的因素. 心理学报, 35(4), 447-454.
张清芳, 杨玉芳*. (2003). 言语产生的认知神经科学机制. 心理学报, 35(2), 266-273.
张清芳, 杨玉芳*. (2003). 言语产生中的词汇通达理论. 心理科学进展, 11(1), 6-11.
张清芳*, 朱滢. (2000). 工作记忆中的个体差异和线性推理之间的关系. 华人心理学报, 2(2), 261-282.
张清芳, 朱滢*. (2000). 工作记忆和推理. 心理学动态, 8(1), 12-17.
朱滢*, 李甫娟, 张清芳. (2000). 一项归因知觉与记忆的实验, in: 陈烜之、梁觉编《迈进中的华人心理学》,香港中文大学出版社, pp.77-89.