2007-2008 瑞士日内瓦大学教育心理学博士后
1986-1990 北京大学心理学系理学学士;
2011-今 中国人民大学理学院心理学系
2001-2011 中国人民大学公共管理学院教育研究所
1990-1995 北京大学心理学系研究助理;
1. 2020-2025. 国家社科重大项目:文化比较视域下中西思维方式差异性研究(19zda021)
2. 2019-2021 中国人民大学重大基础理论课题:不同人际关系下的情绪模仿研究
3. 2018-2020 国家民委:民族团结意识的心理结构2018l20084
4. 2018-2020 教育部民教中心:民族团结意识的心理结构与影响因素研究2018l20043
1. shenli peng*, beibei kuang and ping hu*(共同通讯)(2020) right temporoparietal junction modulates in-group bias in facial emotional mimicry: a tdcs study,front. behav. neurosci. 14:143. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2020.00143
2. peter smith, et al. ping hu(2020). sex differences in self-construal and in depressive symptoms: predictors of cross-national variation. journal of cross-cultural psychology, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022120939655.
3. shenli peng, chang hong liu, xiaofan yang, haojian li, wenfeng chen & ping hu (通讯)(2020): culture variation in the average identity extraction: the role of global vs. local processing orientation, visual cognition, doi: 10.1080/13506285.2020.1751762
4. jing zhang, yan hua, lichao xiu, tian po oei, ping hu(2020)(共同通讯). resting state frontal alpha asymmetry predicts emotion regulation t difficulties in impulse control. personality and individual differences.
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5. xueting li, ping hu, jia liu(2019) the neuroanatomical correlates of individual differences in delay discounting: a voxel-based morphometry study. journal of pacific rim psychology, 2019,13. https://doi.org/10.1017/prp.2019.22
6. 1, , and ping hu (2019) recognizing microexpression: an interdisciplinary perspective. front. psychol., 04 june 2019 . doi.org:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01318
7. shenli peng, ling zhang, runzhou xu, chang hong liu, wenfeng chen and ping hu*(2019) *self-construal priming modulates ensemble perception of multiple-face identities. front. psychol., 16 may 2019 doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01096
8. beibei kuang, shenli peng, xiaochun xie and ping hu*(2019). universality vs. cultural specificity in q9 the relations among emotional contagion, emotion regulation, and mood state: an emotion process perspective front. psychol. 10:186. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00186
9. shenli peng, beibei kuang and ping hu(2019). memory of ensemble representation was independent of attention. frontiers in psychology, 2019.2.8, 10(228)
10. shenli peng, ping hu, and zheng guo(2018), within-culture variation in field dependence/independence: a region-level investigation across china, social behavior and personality, 2018,46(2), 293-300
11. deng h and hu p (2018) matchingyour face or appraising the situation: two paths to emotional contagion.frontiers in psychology, emotion science8:2278.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02278 2018,january, 8.
12. zhang jing, hu ping, mai xiaoqin, feng caixia (2017). automatic emotion regulation in attentional allocation: the temporal dynamics of subliminal goal priming during a dot-probe task.
13. peter b. smith a,∗, matthew j. easterbrook a, james blount a, yasinkoc a,charles harb b, claudio torres c, abd halim ahmadd, hu ping e,goksucagilcelikkol f, rolando diaz loving g, muhammad rizwan(2017)culture as perceived context: an exploration of the distinction between dignity, face and honor cultures. psychological research records7 (2017) 2568–2576 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aipprr.2017.03.001
13. james jian-min sun,ping hu, sik huang ng(2017). impact of english on education reforms in china: with reference tothe learn-english movement, the internationalisation of universities and the english language requirement in college entrance examinations. journal of multilingual and multicultural development, vol. 38, no. 3, 192–205 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2015.1134551
14. jing zhang, ottmar v. lippand ping hu(通讯),individual differences in automaticemotion regulation interact withprimed emotion regulation during ananger provocation,2017, frontiers in psychology, emotion science, april 2017doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00614
15. yunyun huang ,ping hu(并列第一和通讯)&xueting li(2017). undervaluing delayed rewardsexplains adolescents’ impulsivity ininter-temporal choice: an erp study. scientific reports, 7:42631. doi: 10.1038/srep4263
16. peter b. smith1, abd halim ahmad2, ellinor owe1,göksucagil celikkol3, hu ping4, alingavreliuc5,phatthanakit chobthamkit6, muhammad rizwan7,sylvia xiaohua chen8, hui bee teh9, and vivian l. vignoles10(2016)nation-level moderators of theextent to which self-efficacy and relationship harmony predict students’depression and life satisfaction: evidence from 10culturesjournal of cross-cultural psychology,2016, vol. 47(6) 818–834
17. peter b. smith, matthew j. easterbrook,goksucagilcelikkol, sylvia xiaohua chen, hu ping,muhammad rizwan (2015), cultural variations in the relationship between anger coping styles, depression and life satisfaction, journal of cross-cultural psychology, 10,nov. 2015
1. 胡平、徐莹、徐迩嘉(2020)从心理空间生产看学校教育中中华民族共同体意识的培育,民族教育研究,2020 年第4 期第31 卷总第159 期, 19-24
2. 胡平、韩宜霖(2020)心理空间视阈下中华民族共同体意识培育路径初探,贵州民族教育,2020,6,(第41卷总第232期),150-154
3. 张银普、钱 思、胡 平(通讯)(2020)基于角色清晰与团队认同的创业团队断裂带对创业绩效的影响研究。管理学报,2020,17(4),562-571. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-884x.2020.04.010
4. 杨晓凡、胡平(2020)社会阶层共情差异的理论与实证探析。中国临床心理学杂志 2020,28(01),194-198 doi:10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2020.01.041
5. 胡平 王雪珺 张银普 李昊健(2020)心理学在社会服务体系中作用的思考——以复原力建设为例。心理科学进展 2020,28(01),33-40 doi:10.3724/sp.j.1042.2020.00033
6. 王强龙 隋丽娜 胡平 张卓 杨波(2019)暴力犯罪者在人际合作任务中的行为特点,中国心理卫生杂志 2019,33(12),912-917 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6729.2019.12.006
7. 徐晓惠,胡平(2019)情绪模仿的神经生理机制:从镜像神经系统到神经网络,生物化学与生物物理进展,46(4):386~397
8. 徐同洁、刘燕君、胡平、彭申立(2018) 道德两难困境范式在心理学研究中的使用:回顾与展望,中国临床心理学杂志,2018,26(3),458-461
9. 徐同洁 胡平(2018) 不确定性拒斥与大学生拖延行为:自尊和消极应对的序列中介作用。《中国人民大学教育学刊》,1:88-97
10. 徐同洁 胡平 郭秀梅 社会排斥对人际信任的影响:情绪线索的调节作用 中国临床心理学杂志,2017,25(6),1064-1068
11. 徐同洁 胡平 预期道德行为增加当前不道德行为——预期道德心理许可效应的本土验证,中国临床心理学杂志, 2017,25(5),
12. 柯竞怡,胡平,共心力:概念、测量、影响因素与作用。中国临床心理学杂志,2017,25(2);294-298
13. 胡平、汪日红,公共管理有效性的文化融合机制,中国行政管理,2017,3(381),15-20
14. 张诗容、胡平,外语效应:证据、机制和前瞻。中国临床心理学杂志,2017,25(1);45-50
15. 邓欢,胡平(通讯),李振兴,情绪模仿在情绪感染中的作用:重读模仿-反馈机制。中国临床心理学杂志,2016,24(2);225-228
16. 胡平,张积家。学科比较视角下民族心理学的研究理论与发展趋势。华南师范大学学报社会科学版,2016,219(1),51-58
17. 邝贝贝,胡平(通讯),杜嫱,林婷婷儿童依恋的测量方法综述 中国临床心理学杂志2015,2
1. 抗新冠肺炎心理自助手册,《抗新冠肺炎心理自助手册》编写组编著,主编:胡平,北京:世界图书出版社有限公司北京分公司,2020,2. isbn:978-7-5192-7290-6
2. 环境心理学,苏燕捷主编,高等教育出版社,2016
3. 职业心理学,胡平编著,中国人民大学出版社,2015-5-1