美国死亡教育与咨询协会 (adec) 注册生死学家.
2012年2月-2012年4月: 荷兰乌特勒支大学 心理学院 访问学者
2011年6月-2011年8月: 美国史密斯学院社会工作系 访问学者
2008/9–2012/9, 香港大学, 社会工作, 博士
2005/9–2007/6, 北京大学, 应用心理学, 硕士
2001/9–2005/6, 中山大学, 心理学, 学士
担任心理学报,plos one, 心理科学进展,death studies等杂志审稿人。
certified in thanatology: death, dying and bereavement (ct). by association for death education and counseling, usa.注册生死学家
1. 国家社会科学基金项目重大项目,2013010380, 中华民族伟大复兴的社会心理促进
机制研究, 2013/01-2018/12,80万,在研,参加
2 中国人民大学新教师启动金项目,2014030195,中国丧亲人群精神健康风险因素的
探索研究,2014/01-2016/12, 10万,在研,主持
3 北京市自然科学基金青年项目,7164269,社会支持对延长哀伤障碍的影响,2016/01 - 2017/12, 8万,在研,主持
2014 li kaishing prize, the university of hong kong
1. jie li ,amy y.m. chow,zhanbiao shi,cecilia l.w. chan,prevalence and risk factors of complicated grief among sichuan earthquake survivors,journal of affective disorders,2015,175:218-223。
2. li, jie ,chan, jessie s m,chow, amy y m,yuen, lai ping,chan,cecilia l w,from body to mind and spirit: qigong exercise for bereaved persons with chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness.,evid based complement alternat med,2015,2015:631410-631410。
3. li, jie ,stroebe, margaret,chan, cecilia l w,chow, amy y m,guilt in bereavement: a review and conceptual framework.,death stud,2014,38(1-5):165-171。
4. li jie ,stroebe, m.,chow, a. y. m,chan, c. l. w,the bereavement guilt scale: development and preliminary validation.,omega: journal of death & dying。
5. li jie ,prigerson, holly g,assessment and associated features of
6. prolonged grief disorder among chinese bereaved individuals,cmprehensive psychiatry。1.2 li, j. and prigerson hg, assessment and associated features of prolonged grief disorder among chinese bereaved individuals. comprehensive psychiatry, 2016. 66: p. 9-16. (ssci, if2.25 )
7. jie li & sheying chen (2016) a new model of social support in bereavement (ssb): an empirical investigation with a chinese sample, death studies, 40:4, 223-228, doi:10.1080/07481187.2015.1127296 (ssci,if 1.0)
8. stroebe, margaret ,stroebe, wolfgang,van de schoot, rens,schut,henk,abakoumkin, georgios,li, jie,guilt in bereavement: the role of self-blame and regret in coping with loss.,plos one,2014,9(5):e96606-e96606。
9. tian-yi hu ,xiaofei xie,jie li,negative or positive? the effect of emotion and mood on risky driving,transportation research part f: traffic psychology and behaviour,2013,16:29-40。
李梅,李洁(*) ,时勘,持续联结量表中文版的修订与初步应用,中国临床心理学杂志,2015,(02):251-255。
1. li jie ,virtual data collected from the virtual world,the 10th international conference on grief and bereavement in contemporary society,2014.6.11-2014.6.14,
2. li jie ,chan, cecilia l w,大學生的哀傷體驗與個人成長:身心靈視角的建議,第五届两岸四地高校心理辅导与咨询高峰论坛,2013.6.24-2013.6.27,
3. li jie ,chow, amy ym,chan, cecilia l w,the guilt experience among bereaved adult children,adec 33rd annual conference & the 9th international conference on grief and bereavement in contemporary society.,迈阿密 2011.6 .20-2011.6.23.
4. li jie,sha w,chow, amy y m,social support for bereaved people: a reflection in chinese society,social support and health: theory, research, and practice with diverse populations, s. chen, nova science publishers, pp 209-222, 美国, 2013/10/1