e-mail: yangxh202111@163.com
2008.09-2011.06 中国科学院心理研究所,理学博士
2005.09-2008.06 广州大学外国语学院,教育学硕士
2001.09-2005.06 广州大学外国语学院,文学学士
2021.11-至今 中国人民大学心理学系,副教授
2015.03-2021.10 中国科学院心理研究所,副研究员
2011.07-2015.02 中国科学院心理研究所,助理研究员
2019/ 01-2022/12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31871108):音乐训练对口语语流加工的影响,60万。
2018/01- 2019/12: 中国科学院行为重点实验室重点自主项目(y5cx052003):经验对口语边界加工的影响,10万。
2015/ 01-2017/12: 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31400968):语篇话题结构对语义整合的影响及其认知神经机制,24万。
2011/ 01-2013/12: 中国科学院心理研究所青年人才基金(y1cx322005):情绪状态对信息结构产生和理解过程的影响,10万。
frontiers in psychology - cognitive science 编委
psychonomic bulletin & review, psychophysiology, applied psycholinguistics, brain and cognition, reading & writing, quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 心理学报,心理科学进展等期刊审稿人
zhang, x., pan, x., yang, x*., & yang, y*. (2023). conventionality determines the time course of indirect replies comprehension: an erp study. brain and language, 239, 105253.
yang, x., lin, n., & wang, l. (2023). situation updating during discourse comprehension recruits right posterior portion of the multiple‐demand network. human brain mapping.
zhang, z., zhang, h., sommer, w., yang, x., wei, z., & li, w. (2023). musical training alters neural processing of tones and vowels in classic chinese poems. brain and cognition, 166, 105952.
zhang, q., cong m., yang, x.,* yang. y., * & li l. (2022). the effect of contextual arousal on the integration of emotional words during discourse comprehension. quarterly journal of experimental psychology.
yang, x., shen, x., zhang, q., wang, c., zhou, l., & chen, y. (2022). music training is associated with better clause segmentation during spoken language processing. psychonomic bulletin & review.
zheng, y., zhao, z., yang, x., & li, x.* (2021). the impact of musical expertise on anticipatory semantic processing during online speech comprehension: an electroencephalography study. brain and language, 221.105006..
zhang, x., zhang, z., yang, x*., & yang. y. (2021).how working memory capacity modulates the time course of indirect replies comprehension: an event-related potential study. language, cognition and neuroscience, 2, 1-12.
zhang, q., ding, j., zhang, z., yang, x*., & yang. y. (2021). the effect of congruent emotional context in emotional word processing during discourse comprehension. journal of neurolinguistics,59,100989.
chang, r., yang, x*., & yang. y. (2020). processing good-fit anomalies is modulated by contextual accessibility during discourse comprehension: erp evidence. language, cognition and neuroscience, 2, 1-12.
chang, r., yang, x*., & yang. y. (2020). prediction differs at sentence and discourse level: an event-related potential study. applied psycholinguistics, 41.797-815.
yang, x., zhang, x., zhang, y., zhang, q., & li, x. (2020). how working memory capacity modulates the time course of semantic integration at sentence and discourse level. neuropsychologia, 107383.
yang, x., li, h., lin, n., zhang, x., wang, y., zhang, y., zhang, q., zuo, x., & yang. y. (2019). uncovering cortical activations of discourse comprehension and their overlaps with common large-scale neural networks. neuroimage, 116200.
zhang, x., yang, x*., & yang, y. (2019). updating emotional information in daily language comprehension: the influence of topic shifts. journal of neurolinguistics, 52, 100851.
zheng, z., yang, x., & li, w. (2019). processing corrective focus and information focus at different positions: an electrophysiological investigation. language, cognition and neuroscience, 34(8), 1059-1072.
wu, y., yang, x*., & yang, y. (2018). importance conveyed in different ways: effects of hierarchy and focus. journal of neurolinguistics, 47: 37-49.
yang, x., zhang, x., yang. y, & lin, n. (2018). how context features modulate the involvement of the working memory system during discourse. neuropsychologia, 111, 36-44.
lin, n., yang, x., li, j., wang, s., hua, h., ma, y., & li, x. (2018). neural correlates of three cognitive processes involved in theory of mind and discourse comprehension. cognitive, affective, & behavioral neuroscience, 18(2), 273-283.
yang, x., x. zhang, et al. (2017). the interplay between topic shift and focus in the dynamic construction of discourse representation. frontiers in psychology, 8, 2184.
zhang, m., chen, s., wang, l., yang, x., & yang, y. (2017). episodic specificity in acquiring thematic knowledge of novel words from descriptive episodes. frontiers in psychology, 8, 488.
wu, y., yang, x*., & yang, y. (2016). eye movement evidence for hierarchy effects on memory representation of discourses. plos one, 11. 1-9.
yang, x., li, h., lin, n., & yang, y. (2016). looking at the brains behind discourse comprehension—a quantitative meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. paper presented in advances in cognitive neurodynamics (v), singapore.
yang, x., shuang, c., chen, x., & yang, y. (2015). how distance affects semantic integration in discourse: evidence from event-related potentials. plos one, 10(11).
chen, x., pan, z., wang, p., yang, x., liu, p., & you, x., et al. (2015). the integration of facial and vocal cues during emotional change perception: eeg markers. social cognitive & affective neuroscience, 11(7), 1152.
yang, x., shen, x., li, w.*, & yang, y.* (2014). how listeners weight acoustic cues to intonational phrase boundaries. plos one, 9(7), e102166.
yang, x., chen, l., & yang, y.* (2014). the effect of discourse structure on depth of semantic integration in reading. memory & cognition, 42(2), 325-339.
yang, x.*, xu, m., & yang, y. (2014). predictors of pause duration in read-aloud discourse. ieice transactions on information & systems, e97.d(6), 1461-1467.
yang, x., chen, x., chen, s., xu, x., & yang, y.* (2013). topic structure affects semantic integration: evidence from event-related potentials. plos one, 8(12), e79734.
yang, x., & yang, y.* (2012). prosodic realization of rhetorical structure in chinese discourse. audio speech & language processing ieee transactions on, 20(20), 1196-1206.
yang, x., zhao, j., yang, y.*, & lü, s. (2012). the roles of pitch and duration in sentence accent of chinese discourse. chinese journal of acoustics, 11(2), 224-240. (ei)
zhao, j., yang, x., yang, y.*, & lü s. (2011). the influence of discourse hierarchy on the acoustic manifestation of focus in standard chinese. chinese journal of acoustics, 36(4), 542-549. (ei)
张秀平, 杨晓虹, & 杨玉芳*.(2020). 社会规约性及呈现方式对理解会话中的间接回应的影响. 心理学探新,40(2), 169-176.
张秀平, 张玉萍, 杨晓虹, & 杨玉芳. ( 2017). 语篇情绪理解及其认知神经机制. 心理科学进展, 25(8),1289-1298.
张秀平, 杨晓虹, & 杨玉芳*. (2015). 语篇理解中语义整合的神经机制及其影响因素. 心理科学进展. 23(7), 1130-1141.
陈双, 陈黎静, 杨晓虹, & 杨玉芳. (2015). 语篇背景在语义整合中的作用. 心理学报, 47(2), 167-175.
张金璐, 吴莹莹, 杨晓虹, & 杨玉芳. (2014). 话题结构对语篇情绪更新的影响.心理学报, 46(10) , 1413-1425.
张金璐, 吴莹莹, 杨晓虹, & 杨玉芳. (2014). 话题结构对语篇累加更新的影响.心理科学, 37(6), 1282-1290.
陈煦海, 杨晓虹, & 杨玉芳*. (2013). 语音情绪变化内隐加工的神经生理机制, 心理学报, 45(4), 416-424.赵建军, 杨晓虹,杨玉芳*, & 吕士楠. (2012). 汉语中焦点与重音的对应关系——基于语料库的初步研究. 语言研究, 32(4), 55-59.
赵建军, 杨晓虹, 杨玉芳*, & 吕士楠. (2011). 音高和时长在语篇语句重音中的作用, 声学学报, 36(4), 435-443.
杨晓虹, 赵建军, 杨玉芳*, & 吕士楠. (2011). 汉语语篇层级性对焦点声学表现的影响. 声学学报, 36(5), 542-549.
杨晓虹, & 杨玉芳. (2009). 汉语语篇修辞结构边界韵律表现. 清华大学学报, (s1): 1375-1379. 1289-1298.
杨晓虹. 第十四章 二语习得. 杨玉芳主编《心理语言学》, 科学出版社. 2015.
杨晓虹. 第四章 旋律. 杨玉芳,蔡丹超等译《音乐,语言与脑》, 华东师范大学出版社, 2012.