



时间:2016年6月3日 8:30 -12:00



1  psychology of spiritual experiences across cultures
 professor al dueck, fuller graduate school of psychology pasadena, ca

摘要: cultural psychology as a field has emerged over the past 30 years, but little effort has been expended in extrapolating its findings to transformative religious experiences. this presentation asks in what way does culture influence religious experience. can one assume that the religious experiences of chinese and western buddhists , pakistani and saudi muslims or hispanic and caucasian christians are the same across ethnicity and culture? we think that is not the case. western christianity is a personal and private experience while chinese christian experience their faith intensely in communal settings like the church.

2  chinese psychology of religion in an age of perplexity

dr. louise sundararajan, regional forensic unit, rochester psychiatric center

摘要:in this age of rapid modernization, our attitude toward things traditional is becoming increasingly ambivalent.  this ambivalence is reflected in the two terms that we use to refer to our traditions—culture and religion. when it comes to culture, we are nostalgic--we are ever eager to claim our culture as if our origin or roots is at stake.  when it comes to religious traditions, however, we may be eager to discard like a pair of old slippers certain ancient “superstitions” for fear that they clog the wheels of progress. thus the challenge for chinese psychology of religion lies in negotiating between two conflicting cultures—the traditional world in which  religion plays a central role, and the modern secular world in which religion seems to be the fifth wheel.  to meet this challenge, i propose a few research agendas to shed some light on the cognitive, affective, and moral dimensions of chinese religions.


韩布新教授 中国科学院心理研究所、国际应用心理协会

摘要:当代大学生肩负特殊的历史使命,那就是我21世纪乃至今后数百年中国主导的全球化准备自己。过去两千余年中国人的心理健康发展观是“诚意正心、格物 致知、修身齐家、治国平天下”,此观点在新世纪是否需要调整?如何根据个人的情况调整?在大学期间如何面向未来预备自己?报告将从心理健康的概念、测量与 心理健康发展的国际视角入手,结合报告人自己的求学、治学与成长(特别是在国内、国际心理学界的合作、交流与管理)经历,分享如何以“本分、尽心、不放 弃”的人生态度追求人生理想并服务社会、报效祖国。
